Preventive Care


Preventive Care

By getting preventive dental care services at Dental Wellness for Bartow, you can prevent tooth decay and gum disease and save yourself from costly procedures and lengthy dental chair sessions. Our dedicated team is here to help you achieve oral health and provide the care you need.

man getting an oral exam and dental cleaning

Our Services

Oral Cancer Screenings

Our skilled team performs thorough oral cancer screenings to detect signs of abnormalities or early-stage cancer. By examining your mouth, throat, and neck, we can identify potential issues and ensure early intervention, increasing the chances of successful treatment.

Teeth Cleanings

Experienced hygienists use advanced techniques to remove plaque and tartar buildup and prevent problems like tooth decay and gum disease. Cleanings leave your teeth feeling fresh, polished, and free from harmful bacteria, helping you maintain a beautiful and healthy smile.

Home Care

Proper home care is vital in maintaining the results of professional dental cleanings. Our team educates patients on the best home care practices, including brushing and flossing techniques, to effectively remove plaque and maintain excellent oral hygiene. We provide personalized recommendations and guidance to ensure you can care for your teeth between visits.

Periodontal Therapy

We employ advanced techniques to treat gum infections and restore gum health. We can prevent further damage by addressing gum disease early, including tooth loss. Our periodontal therapy focuses on personalized care, ensuring your comfort and promoting long-term oral wellness.


We make custom-made mouthguards to protect your smile from sports-related injuries and teeth grinding. Whether you're an athlete or are struggling with bruxism, our durable and comfortable mouthguards provide excellent protection and reduce the risk of dental trauma or worn-down teeth. 


Dental sealants are an effective solution to prevent tooth decay, especially in children and teenagers. We apply these thin, protective coatings to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth, forming a barrier against bacteria and food particles. Sealants are painless, quick to apply, and can provide years of cavity prevention, ensuring a solid foundation for oral health.

Do You Need Preventive Care in Bartow, FL?

Don't wait for oral problems to arise; prioritize your dental health by booking an appointment with Dental Wellness of Bartow today. Call us and let our knowledgeable and friendly team help you achieve a lifetime of healthy smiles.