


Are you struggling with the limitations of removable dentures? At Dental Wellness of Bartow, we offer All-On-X, a permanent and transformative dental implant treatment to enhance your smile and dental health.

3d image of implant-supported dentures

What Is All-On-X?

All-on-X is a revolutionary dental implant treatment for people who have lost most of their natural teeth. It involves the strategic placement of dental implants to support an entire set of teeth, providing a fixed and stable restoration that looks, feels, and functions like natural teeth.

How Are All-on-X Placed?

The All-on-X procedure begins with an examination to assess your oral health and determine your suitability for the treatment. During the procedure, we will perform oral surgery to place four to six dental implants in your jawbone. These implants will serve as sturdy anchors for a custom-made dental prosthesis, which is then securely attached to the implants.

Advantages All-on-X

  • Provide a complete set of teeth.
  • Enhance your ability to eat, smile, and speak.
  • Create a radiant smile that looks natural and complements your facial features.
  • Provide stability and strength, allowing you to chew a variety of foods.
  • Stimulate the jawbone, preventing bone loss and maintaining your facial structure.
  • Give a fixed solution, eliminating the need for daily removal or adhesives.

Is the All-on-X Procedure Painful?

We ensure your comfort by injecting anesthesia during the surgery, making the procedure virtually pain-free. We also have sedation dentistry options available if you suffer from dental anxiety.

While you may experience some soreness and discomfort after the surgery, you can manage these with prescribed pain medication. We will give you post-operative instructions to help you through the healing process.

Interested in Getting All-On-X in Bartow, FL?

Regain your confidence and experience the life-changing benefits of All-on-X at Dental Wellness of Bartow. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!