Porcelain Veneers


Porcelain Veneers

From covering chips and cracks to making your smile look whiter, veneers offer a conservative yet impactful solution. Experience the artistry of veneers and discover the radiant smile you've always desired at Dental Wellness of Bartow.

woman choosing the shade of her veneers

What Are Veneers?

Veneers, often called instant orthodontics, offer a remarkable way to enhance your smile. These paper-thin porcelain covers go beyond addressing common issues like chips, stains, and discoloration, as they can also modify the length, size, and alignment of your teeth. 

Despite the significant transformation they can achieve, veneers provide a conservative approach to achieving an aesthetically pleasing smile. Instead of extensive procedures like orthodontics or tooth extraction, veneers offer a less invasive option to achieve a beautiful smile.

What Are Veneers?

  • Improve your smile's appearance
  • Address tooth gaps
  • Restore worn-down enamel
  • Create long-lasting results with proper care
  • Boost self-esteem

How Are Veneers Made?

The process of creating veneers involves meticulous planning and diagnostics. We uses models, photographs, and digital X-rays to create a detailed treatment blueprint. She considers your input and incorporates it to ensure a personalized outcome.

During your first visit, our team gently prepares your teeth by removing a thin enamel layer to create space for your veneers. You will wear temporary restorations to preview your new smile and provide input for any desired changes before we apply the final veneers.

During the second appointment, we carefully bonds your custom veneers to your teeth, creating a beautiful smile.

Ready to Enhance Your Smile with Veneers in Bartow, FL?

Our team is dedicated to providing exceptional cosmetic dental procedures, including porcelain veneers, to help you achieve the smile you've always wanted. Contact us now to schedule a consultation or learn more about our services.