Porcelain Crowns


Porcelain Crowns

At Dental Wellness of Bartow, we can bring even the most damaged mouths back to health using the latest techniques and technology. With porcelain crowns, our team can restore your smile, improve functionality, and give you a natural-looking result that will boost your confidence.

many porcelain crowns

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are custom-made caps that we place over a worn-down or damaged tooth to restore strength, shape, and appearance. They are a popular choice because they mimic the natural transparency and color of your teeth, providing a seamless blend with your existing smile.

We can use crowns to repair a single tooth, many teeth (including all the teeth in the mouth), or alongside dental implants to fill a gap. In situations with several missing teeth, you may also need to consider other options like dental bridges or implants.

How Long Do Porcelain Crowns Last?

Porcelain crowns are known for their durability. With proper maintenance, they last many years, often exceeding a decade. Regular dentist visits and good oral hygiene practices, such as brushing and flossing, will help extend the lifespan of your porcelain crown.

How Are Porcelain Crowns Made?

Today's technology allows us to create a crown in just one appointment. After gently shaping the tooth, detailed digital images captured by a computer provide us with the data we need to design your new restoration.

A powerful software creates a crown milled from the finest porcelain available in just a few minutes. Once we bond your new crown firmly into place, you'll be on your way to a beautiful, functional smile.

Benefits of Getting Porcelain Crowns

  • Aesthetically pleasing and natural-looking
  • Stain-resistant
  • Durable
  • Improved oral health
  • Customized fit
  • Restored functionality

Ready to Enhance Your Smile with Porcelain Crowns in Bartow, FL?

Call Dental Wellness for Bartow to schedule a visit. Our friendly team will guide you through getting dental crowns and ensure your comfort and satisfaction.