Tooth Replacement


Tooth Replacement

Tooth loss affects your oral health, as well as your ability to chew, speak, and feel confident in social interactions. Luckily, we're here to restore the aesthetics and functionality of your smile with our tooth replacement options. Whether you're missing a single tooth or require a full mouth restoration, we have the expertise and advanced techniques to give you a reason to smile again.

bottom jaw missing a tooth

Our Services


When it comes to single-tooth replacements or full arch restoration, dental implants are an excellent option. Our team will place a titanium implant into your jawbone, which acts as a sturdy foundation for a lifelike dental crown. We also specialize in implant-supported dentures, offering improved stability and comfort compared to traditional dentures.

Porcelain Bridges

If you have one or more missing teeth, porcelain bridges can fill the gaps in your smile. Our expert dentists will design and create a custom bridge to match the color, shape, and size of your existing teeth to ensure a seamless and natural appearance.

Bridges are anchored to adjacent teeth or implants, enhancing your smile and ability to speak and chew.

Modern Removal Dentures

Traditional dentures can sometimes be uncomfortable and affect the way you talk and eat. That's why we offer modern removal dentures that are custom-designed to fit your mouth perfectly. These dentures are also crafted using high-quality materials that mimic the appearance and texture of natural teeth, providing a more realistic and aesthetically pleasing smile.


All-on-X is a revolutionary solution for patients with multiple missing teeth or who require a full arch restoration. This technique involves strategically placing dental implants to support a fixed prosthesis, offering a secure and permanent alternative to removable dentures. All-on-X provides exceptional stability, functionality, and aesthetics, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of a complete and beautiful smile.

Ready to Try Tooth Replacement Solutions in Bartow, FL?

If you're ready to restore your smile, regain your confidence, and boost your oral health, book a visit to Dental Wellness of Bartow today. Our team is eager to answer your questions, address your concerns, and provide personalized treatment options that suit your needs. Contact us to schedule your appointment!