


While brushing and flossing are essential in the battle against bacteria, sometimes our teeth need an extra dose of protection. Our team is skilled in placing sealants to defend molars against tooth decay and ensure your child's teeth stay cavity-free for years.

girl getting dental sealants

How Do Sealants Work?

The chewing surfaces of molars have deep crevices and grooves that trap food particles and bacteria. As a result, these teeth are more prone to cavities, infections, and tooth loss. Sealants act as a barrier, filling the grooves and creating a smooth, protective layer that shields teeth from plaque, debris, and acids.

Our hygienists covers the crevices with smooth resin and uses an activating light to set the material. After this quick and painless procedure, your child will be less prone to cavities and other oral problems.

Are Sealants Permanent?

Sealants protect molars from 80% of cavities during the first two years and provide ongoing protection from 50% for up to four years. However, this treatment isn't permanent. Over time, sealants wear down or chip off due to normal wear and tear.

Therefore, you have to schedule regular dental check-ups to monitor the condition of the sealants and determine if you need any touch-ups or replacements.

Benefits of Getting Sealants

  • Reduction in tooth decay in the chewing surface of sealed molars.
  • Cost-effective preventive measure.
  • Reduced risk of future fillings  and extensive dental treatments.
  • Quick and painless procedure.
  • Long-term protection for your child's teeth.

Maintenance Tips for Sealants

To ensure their sealants last, encourage your child to learn proper oral hygiene habits, including regular brushing, flossing, and attending dental check-ups. Tell them to avoid biting on hard objects or using excessive force while chewing. These simple steps will help preserve the integrity of the sealants and keep their smiles shining bright.

Does Your Child Need Sealants in Bartow, FL?

Protecting your child's smile is a priority at Dental Wellness for Bartow. Our dental experts are ready to help safeguard their oral health with sealants and other dentistry procedures. Don't wait until cavities take hold—schedule an appointment today to give your child the gift of healthy teeth!