Endodontic Therapy


Endodontic Therapy

If you have a dental infection and are experiencing tooth pain, you're not alone. Many of our patients have found relief and restored their smiles through endodontic therapy, commonly known as root canal treatment.

female dentist performing a dental procedure

What is Endodontic Therapy?

Endodontic therapy is an effective procedure we perform to address infections and damage within the inner part of your tooth: the pulp. The pulp contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissues, and when it becomes infected or inflamed due to decay, cracks, or trauma, endodontic therapy comes to the rescue.

During the procedure, we carefully remove the affected pulp, clean and shape the area, and fill it with a biocompatible material to seal the space. Finally, we place a filling or crown to protect and restore the treated tooth.

Signs You Need Endodontic Therapy

  • Persistent toothache
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures
  • Pain when biting or chewing
  • Swelling around the affected tooth
  • Pimple-like bump on gum tissue surrounding the tooth

Is Endodontic Therapy Painful?

Don't worry! Our modern techniques and sedation methods have transformed endodontic therapy into a comfortable experience. While you might feel mild discomfort or swelling after surgery, you can usually these symptoms with ice and over-the-counter pain relievers. Remember to rest and avoid hard foods for a week to avoid infections and bleeding.

Will a Tooth Need Retreatment after Endodontic Therapy?

In some cases, your treated tooth can experience other issues after recovery. For instance, new decay develops, or the tooth fractures and gets infected. Our dedicated team can address your concerns and offer endodontic retreatment to restore your dental health.

Do You Need Endodontic Therapy to Relieve Pain?

If you're experiencing tooth pain, sensitivity, or any discomfort, don't wait for it to worsen. Contact our practice today to book your visit and learn about our services!