Modern Removable Dentures


Modern Removable Dentures

If missing teeth have dulled your smile, we have a convenient solution to bring its beauty back. At Dental Wellness of Bartow, we craft modern removable dentures that restore your smile and empower you to do everyday activities with confidence. 

older woman showing her beautiful smile

What are Removable Dentures?

Removable dentures are dental appliances crafted to replace missing teeth and surrounding tissue. Whether you're missing a few teeth or need a complete set, our modern solutions are designed to fit perfectly in your mouth.

Partial dentures are perfect for people with some natural teeth remaining, as they fit alongside your existing teeth and stay in place with discreet clasps. Complete dentures, on the other hand, replace all teeth in your upper or lower jaw.

How are Modern Removable Dentures Made?

Utilizing cutting-edge digital impressions, we capture every detail of your mouth's contours, including teeth, gums, and jaw. Then, our skilled technicians use high-quality materials to produce dentures that mirror the look and feel of your natural teeth.

Longevity of Your Dentures

The lifespan of your dentures will change based on how well you take care of them and the habits you adopt, as well as your mouth and jaw structure. On average, our modern removable dentures last between 5 to 10 years.

Scheduling regular check-ups with our experienced dental team will help monitor the condition of your dentures and determine if you need replacements.

How to Care for Your Removable Dentures

  • Brush your dentures with a soft brush and use a non-abrasive denture cleaner.
  • Allow your dentures to soak in a denture cleaning solution overnight.
  • Dentures are delicate; handle them gently to prevent damage.
  • Visit us routinely to get adjustments and professional cleanings.

Book Your Consultation Today for Modern Removable Dentures

Are you ready to experience the transformation that modern removable dentures can bring to your life? Contact Dental Wellness of Bartow today to schedule a consultation!