Clear Aligner Therapy


Clear Aligner Therapy

Traditional orthodontic treatments involve metal wires, brackets, discomfort, and multiple dentist visits. If you want to straighten your smile while avoiding those troubles, visit Dental Wellness of Bartow for ClearCorrect® aligner therapy.

woman about to wear her clear aligners

What Is ClearCorrect®?

ClearCorrect® is a revolutionary orthodontic treatment that uses removable, clear aligners to correct common bite issues and straighten teeth. These aligners are made of transparent, smooth plastic, making them virtually invisible when worn.

If you wear them 20 to 22 hours a day, they guide your teeth into their proper positions and create an aligned, healthy smile. You must also remove them before eating and clean them properly every day.

Which Issues Can ClearCorrect® Correct?

ClearCorrect® is effective in treating many orthodontic issues, including:

Are You a Candidate for ClearCorrect®?

ClearCorrect® is often suitable for individuals with mild to moderate orthodontic issues. However, complex cases may require alternative treatments.

The best way to determine if ClearCorrect® is suitable for you is through a consultation with our orthodontic team. During this evaluation, we will assess your oral health, discuss your concerns and goals, and take 3D digital impressions and X-rays of your teeth.

We consider various factors to determine candidacy, including the extent of misalignment, bite problems, and your commitment to wearing the aligners as instructed.

How Long Does the Treatment with ClearCorrect® Last?

Throughout your treatment journey, you will receive a series of custom-made aligners that will gradually shift your teeth into their desired positions. You usually wear each set of aligners for around two weeks before switching to the next one.

Our team will schedule regular check-up appointments to monitor your progress, ensure the aligners fit properly, and make any necessary adjustments.

Interested in a Straighter Smile with Clear Aligner Therapy in Bartow, FL?

Are you eager to reveal your best smile? Contact Dental Wellness of Bartow to schedule your consultation and discover the world of ClearCorrect®.